Many of us, regardless of how old we are, have looked up at those grubby drivers in awe and envy as we keep a respectful distance away from their somewhat unpredictable, hissing, steaming black engine.
And many of us have dreamed of standing on the footplate as the driver in control of this fascinating machine…
Just imagine: a short sharp blast of the whistle and you open the regulator wide. Then comes that wonderful “puff-puff-puffing” that starts off slowly and gets faster and faster as, surrounded by clouds of steam, the locomotive and the train start moving!
Here at the Mansfelder Bergwerksbahn, Germany’s oldest narrow-gauge railway, you can live the dream!
Right there in the cab of the locomotive we will personally instruct you and tell you everything you need to know for your train driving adventure.
No prior experience is required.
You training begins with some theoretical instruction and before we let you loose on the actual route, you’ll practice driving the engine around the station.
You will be accompanied by our friendly volunteer staff.
100% off the proceeds we make from this offer go to maintaining the locomotives.
This special experience also makes the perfect present! We’ll be happy to issue you with a gift voucher.
Choose from three options:
➀ “Copper” programme: Steam team.
➁ “Silver” programme: Go all the way!
➂ “Rhenium” programme: Full steam ahead!

Physical requirements and collateral clauses:
You must be between the ages of 21 and 75.
You need to have good hearing and eyesight and be in good physical condition as operating the regulator and the controls requires a certain amount of strength.
You must be fluent in the German language.
Please note that there is nowhere to sit in the engine cab.
Dogs are not permitted on the train.
Please note: we only offer train driving experiences at certain times of the year.
Unfortunately, all the dates for 2024 are booked due to high demand.
Dates for train driving experiences in 2025 will be available at the end of September 2024.
Our train drivers and club members live all over the country and work at the Mansfelder Bergwerksbahn during their own free time.
Long-term advance planning is therefore necessary, especially when steam locomotives are involved.
We will be happy to issue open-date gift vouchers for 2025.